Unlocking Innovation in Battery Cell Manufacturing

How to increase resilience and efficiency with Manufacturing Operations Management.

The global battery market is rapidly expanding and the number of electric vehicles (EV) in use globally is predicted to rise to 13 million by 2024. To meet the growing demand, battery cell manufacturers need to increase the pace of innovation and change.

DELMIA MOM is a fully-integrated, scalable and sustainable platform that offers an advantage to manufacturers looking to drive efficiency and resilience.

 Read our MOM for Battery Cell Manufacturing e-book to learn: 

  • Key trends in high tech manufacturing and battery cell operations 

  • The basics of manufacturing operations management (MOM) 

  • Real-life case-studies of MOM implementation

Complete the form to read our e-book.

Watch this webinar if you want to learn how to achieve battery cell operations excellence and prepare for the new normal


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