Transforming CMC Generation

Use Case


Automate the creation of CMC dossiers with BIOVIA Structured Documents

It’s not unusual for large pharmaceutical and biotech companies to generate hundreds of reports each year for regulatory agencies and internal use. Reports can be almost a hundred pages long and contain large volumes of data from multiple sources, along with text and annotations. Large collaborating teams, sometimes in locations around the world, author these documents, which contain many of the same text sections, images, and logos, and which follow standardized templates and structures.

Structured content authoring streamlines the creation of datarich CMC dossiers. The information is presented in a consistent way, which lends itself to the use of standard templates and formats. In many cases, standard text blocks can be reused rather than recreating the text every time.

Download the use case to learn how BIOVIA Structured Documents helps customers decrease their time to create CMC dossiers.

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