Towards Total Quality

How the Virtual Guides and Informs the Real World 

Deploying new business models without undue risk to quality requires implementing a consistent approach to quality throughout the entire product lifecycle. To do so, companies must eliminate inconsistencies including siloed information, inefficient manual processes, compromised data integrity and disconnected legacy systems. Beyond that, they must aim for proactive quality by embedding risk management from the beginning and instilling a culture of total quality.

Learn how to effect Proactive Total Quality in your organization with virtual twins – to use the virtual twin across the entire lifecycle and ecosystem to seize control and direct activity for continuous quality improvement and superior efficiency. The result is better patient outcomes and a flexible, adaptive and resilient pharmaceutical company.

In our whitepaper we discuss:

  • What Keeps CEOs Awake at Night?
  • What Is a Virtual Twin?
  • Limitations of Current Approaches
  • Risk-Based Quality and Quality by Design
  • Use Case: ‘Crash Test’ Your Manufacturing Process Control Through Virtual Design and Validation
  • Use Case: Optimize Product Quality, Yield and Costs Across the Manufacturing Value Network
  • Use Case: Change Control Through Increased End-to-End Visibility With the Virtual Twin
  • Enabling Data-Driven Processes

Download the Whitepaper
