How to Embed ESG into Your Mining Operation

The move towards sustainable mining

Global shifts are rapidly changing societal values and affecting the expectations of investors, regulators, and communities toward mining companies around environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

  • Investors are putting pressure on companies to set and meet sustainability targets
  • Regulators are requiring companies to include ESG policies and goals in their operating procedures and reports
  • Communities are demanding a higher degree of accountability around ESG guidelines and regulations

While many mining companies have started the transformation toward more sustainable mining practices with high-level corporate KPIs, there is still work to do to translate these targets into on-the-ground business practices.

How mining companies can rise to the challenge

So how can we make mining more sustainable in day-to-day operations? The digital transformation in mining is providing companies with new tools to leverage. However, advances in mining technology alone isn’t enough.


To stay competitive in the coming decade, companies need to integrate ESG practices into operational processes and procedures. Not only will this help an operation extract maximum value while producing less waste, it’s also necessary to secure a license to operate today.

Three ways to adopt sustainable mining practices  > Brick Image > Dassault Systèmes®

To achieve this, companies can start by focusing their efforts on three key areas of the mining process:

  1. Reducing geological asset waste

  2. Optimizing geological asset extraction

  3. Improving operations management and execution

Learn more about how to prioritize sustainability and embed ESG into a mining operation by downloading our free eBook today.

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