Strategic Mine Design: Discover the Parametric Advantage

CAD-based mine design is good. Parametric design for underground mining is better.

Parametric Design for underground mines

A successful underground mine design depends on two things:

  • gathering all available geological, geotechnical, mining, engineering, mineral price, and regulatory information, and

  • creating a design that efficiently and economically accesses mine production areas.

However, because it is a manual process, traditional CAD-based mine design can take so long to produce that the data used may already be out of date by the time it is finished. The mine planner or mine design engineer must then build a whole new design to incorporate the latest knowledge — using up still more valuable time.

Parametric mine design, on the other hand, eliminates the majority of the manual work required by CAD-based design, and allows the mine planner to create a number of potential paths or designs, and quickly make an equally infinite number of refinements to reflect changing data, all without losing previous design work. 

The Strategic Mine Design solution provides a mine design guidelines and how to automate the mine design steps to save time and resources. 

Download eBook and discover the parametric advantage


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Strategic Mine Design Underground  >Infographic > Dassault Systèmes®
See infographics
Strategic Mine Design Underground  >Infographic > Dassault Systèmes®
Strategic Mine Design Underground Infographic

About the Strategic Mine Design solution for Underground Mines

2 minutes 44 seconds

Download eBook and discover parametric design for mining
