Simplifying Complexity Through Model-Based Systems Engineering

Discover how engineering-driven manufacturers create smart products by using Model-Based Systems Engineering.

Simplifying Complexity Through Model-Based Systems Engineering > Image One > Dassault Systèmes

Complex systems have always existed, and manufacturing has always tested even the brightest engineers. Recently there has been an increase in the level of complexity in the development of solution engineering-driven manufacturers. Learn how engineering-driven manufacturers are using Model-Based Systems Engineering to manage and simplify complexity in product development.

In our white paper you will discover the many benefits of MBSE including how a ‘systems of systems' approach simplifies engineering complexities between mechanical, electrical, software, and other functions using a unified modeling language such as sysml. One standard language simplifies problem definition and agreement on a solution(s).

Simplifying Complexity Through Model-Based Systems Engineering > Image Two > Dassault Systèmes

Companies like aerospace and defense company Lockheed Martin and shipbuilder thyssenkrupp Marine Systems each use Model-Based Systems Engineering. These companies have learning that innovating and manufacturing in such an environment demands a different way of thinking. All these essential steps of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation must begin in the conceptual design phase and continue throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Discover how MBSE has helped these organizations address the challenge of managing complexity.

Download the white paper
