Sharpen Your Competitive Edge in the Packaging Industry

Build a competitive advantage with digital solutions that provide decision support and innovation in manufacturing operations. Learn about real world applications with Boticário Group.

Drive Sustainability and Profitability in Packaging

Packaging companies today must deal with the increasing demand for higher quality and more personalized products as well as implementing sustainability throughout their value chain. While not impossible, meeting these demands come at an exorbitant cost.

Download this eBook to discover:

  • The main challenges faced by packaging companies in the beauty industry.
  • How fully connected digital manufacturing can help bring your best ideas to market faster.
  • How Brazil’s Boticário Group was able to strike the right balance between profitability and sustainability.

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One of the biggest challenges Boticário faced was that we could not track the two key metrics that drive packaging production: OEE and capacity. The first is key in identifying losses, measuring progress and increasing the productivity of equipment to eliminate waste. The second is crucial in optimizing our time management so that we can receive new production volumes. After implementing DELMIA Apriso, we now have better insight and control, which is a game-changer for our operations.

Albert Christian Franca
Boticario Group

Discover how digital transformation drives sustainability and profitability at Brazil’s Boticário Group

Transform your production with

Visibility > Circle brick > Dassault Systèmes®


Gain real-time visibility of your shop floor and control over KPIs

3D Modeling and Simulation > Circle brick > Dassault Systèmes®

3D Modeling and Simulation

Leverage Virtual Twin Experience to achieve first-time-right quality

Resource efficiency > Circle brick > Dassault Systèmes®

Resource Efficiency

Improve productivity with a perfect assembly user experience

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