Textual Data Analysis for Customer and Employee Experience

Proxem Insight | Customer satisfaction analysis | Multilingual and multichannel

Our semantic and sentiment analysis software, Proxem Studio, allows real-time analysis of all your customers’ conversations and feedback in order to identify the key moments of the customer journey with their related topics, tones and reasons for satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

It allows you to obtain a quantitative overview and to identify weak signals by aggregating all the textual data into a common multi-channel and multi-lingual repository, structured according to the steps in the customer journey.

The software analyzes text from any type of source: chatbots, emails, web reviews, satisfaction surveys, social networks, brand forums, documents and more.

With Proxem Studio:

  • Anticipate and reduce the risk of attrition;
  • Increase your KPI's (NPS, CSAT, CES…);
  • Detect emerging trends;
  • Disseminate relevant information throughout the company;
  • Identify and maximize new business opportunities.