Connect marketing directly to 3D data and gain performance leaps over traditional product launches. Develop marketing content immediately — Untether campaigns from the physical product. Product launch begins when the digital model is approved. Make changes in real-time, even if product updates occur after marketing content is complete. Find out how your company can accelerate time-to-market with the virtual twin experience.
Get products to market faster
Meet consumer needs with experiences
World-leading industrial electric motors manufacturer ABB NEMA, is approaching the market with new ways to feature their products on the web to differentiate themselves from the competition, improve performance, and grow market share. They've chosen the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to leverage their 3D content for marketing and sales fully.
They've extended their visualization pipeline to create innovative, interactive marketing assets. The ABB marketing team (previously in charge of product photography) now focuses on value-added activities like demand creation and improving the customer experience. ABB NEMA expects significant cost savings and a relevant increase revenue by 2025 with the implementation of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for marketing.
Enterprise collaboration for concrete results
Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform connects engineering teams to the marketing organization seamlessly, in real-time. These connections save time in the go-to-market process and inspire a deeper collaboration. By eliminating silos within the organization, businesses can recognize more powerful Sales and Marketing results based on a compelling customer journey.

Realtime access to 3D data
Campaigns and content are always product correct, reducing redundant work if the design is updated or changed.

Realtime digital collaboration
Connect teams securely across workstreams, time-zones, and geo-locations internally and externally.

Voice of the customer
Measure real-time market results using social listening tools to react and improve campaigns instantly.
Make every customer experience memorable
Produce powerful experiences that evolve alongside the product. Strategic engagements and increasing sales are paramount in today's business landscape. Complete marketing campaigns ahead of the product production. Produce experiences that are relevant, innovative, flexible, and responsive to changing market sentiment and demands. Shortcut to Market is tailor-made for the needs of the 21st-century consumer.