Artificial Intelligence in business is still a fantasy for many of us. For some, Artificial Intelligence frees humans from dull tasks; for others, it would alienate us and destroy jobs. But what few of us know is that AI and Machine Learning are already very present in our companies, and that we use them every day!
NLP (Natural Language Processing) is one of the most prolific fields of application of AI. It is the branch of Artificial Intelligence which involves understanding and processing human language.
Its uses in business are very numerous: NLP offers a wealth of opportunities to increase productivity, reliability, and make better decisions.
After exploring the use cases of NLP for Marketing and Customer Relations, we now turn to the applications of language processing in the area of Human Resources Management.
1- NLP & Voice of Employee
After having implemented significant customer listening programs, companies are now turning more and more to listening to employees.
In order to retain talent, maximize Employee Engagement, unite them around a common project, and improve operational processes, it has become essential to give Voice to Employees, at all levels of the company workforce.
This involves systems aimed at collecting Employee Feedback, via recurring satisfaction barometers, or via systems for evaluating the feelings of employees at certain key points in their career.
Thus, the Semantic Analysis tools used in the field of Customer Relations are perfectly usable to analyze Employee Feedback, prioritize it, and transform it into strategic lessons.
Feedback: Axa and the NLP applied to Employee Engagement
AXA has moved from a traditional model where employees were asked once a year to provide feedback, to a more agile survey model called “Pulse”.
These are shorter and aim to measure a reduced number of indicators.
Two annual Pulse surveys are now sent to measure employee buy-in on topics related to company culture and strategy. These two surveys are sent to all employees around the world, in 22 languages.
The HR-oriented NLP has thus made it possible to analyze more than 40,000 employee verbatims to assess the level of internal alignment with the company’s values.
2- The NLP for recruitment assistance
In recruiting domain, the NLP has many uses.
By processing internal and external data, Human Resources departments and recruitment platforms can:
- Benefit from relevant matching through the detection of skills, professional backgrounds, and experiences expressed in a CV, professional profile or position.
- Find the best profile thanks to a powerful semantic search engine allowing the preselection of the best candidates / collaborators for a job offer or a position.
- Customize a search for candidates or job offers using an advanced filter and a multi-criteria search.
- Automate the entry of profiles when sourcing or updating internal profiles.
- Mapping internal skills in order to detect talents or training needs.
- Capitalize on the entire recruitment and internal mobility process on a single HR application or in an existing HRIS software.
Feedback: APEC and NLP applied to recruitment
Between 2012 and 2016, APEC acquired an NLP tool to automatically classify job offers posted on the platform, automatically identify suspicious offers, and offer candidates a powerful search and recommendation interface for offers.
3- HR Chatbot
Internal support departments encounter the same difficulties as customer support departments: how to respond quickly and efficiently to all employee requests for information?
Whether for administrative purposes (request for information on pay slips, leaves, expense reports, etc.) or for organization (who works with whom? Who is in charge of such and such a project?) Or for the daily life of the business, access to the right information at the right time is essential.
An HR chatbot helps employees quickly find the information they need on the organization of the company, its operating rules, internal procedures. Often integrated into a corporate messaging system like Slack, it relieves administrative teams of recurring questions and provides a centralized point of access to corporate information. He can even help find a good restaurant near the office for a team lunch.