How to Increase OEE Performance

Keeping revenue growing and costs under control is the fuel that keeps a manufacturer strong. Knowing how effective each machine is in meeting production goals by tracking availability, performance, and quality is the essence of OEE.

The highest performing manufacturers realize that OEE’s greatest value comes from its ability to help stabilize production and establish accurate baselines of performance. The new whitepaper, Lessons Learned on How to Increase OEE Performance, highlights how OEE can help you:

  • Track and report early signals of equipment malfunction
  • Predict when machinery will need preventative maintenance
  • Stabilize the production levels of a given machine or asset
  • Quantify plant-level reliability
  • Tie performance and process quality gains to business outcomes

Learn how OEE can significantly improve the efficiency of your daily operations.

How to Increase OEE Performance > Whitepaper > Dassault Systèmes®

Learn how OEE can improve the efficiency of your manufacturing operation
