Improve Flexibility, Manage Supply Chain Risks: Improve Patient Results

Optimize Patient Care through Enhanced Flexibility and Supply Chain Risk Management

Download our webinar: MedTech Sales & Operations Planning: Improve Production Agility and Manage Supply Chain Risk for Optimal Patient Outcomes to learn how you can master sales and operations planning for your MedTech company today.

Ensuring the timely, high-quality, and cost-effective delivery of medical devices to patients is crucial. However, challenges such as market fluctuations, competition, and the unique dynamics of the industry can lead to issues like delayed deliveries, financial losses, and harm to the brand's reputation. A potential remedy lies in the implementation of a complete Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) solution. The right solution enables a more proactive response to demand, facilitates the equilibrium of demand and supply, minimizes supply-related risks, and ultimately reduces overall costs.

The Challenges

Exploring Current Forecasting Challenges in Medical Device Manufacturing:

  • Limited Collaboration: Departments involved in the S&OP process (finance, sales, marketing, production, and quality) operate independently, leading to conflicting interests.
  • Reduced Forecast Accuracy: Product demand variability and disruptions contribute to a decrease in forecast accuracy.
  • Delayed Decision-Making: Critical supply chain decisions are often made belatedly, significantly impacting the overall supply chain.
  • Insufficient Visibility: The complexity of the supply chain network makes it challenging to achieve global visibility, hindering understanding of multi-site plant and CMO activities.
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Innovation for Resilient Life Science Supply Chains  > infographic > Dassault Systèmes®
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Innovation for Resilient Life Science Supply Chains  > infographic > Dassault Systèmes®
Innovation for Resilient Life Sciences Supply Chains

The Solution

Offering a comprehensive workflow, our Sales and Operations Planning solution fully facilitates the Sales & Operations (S&OP) process. This involves demand planning to forecast future Medical Device demands and supply planning to optimize the supply chain based on these forecasts. The system enables the measurement, evaluation, and alerting of Medical Devices' demand forecast performance. Additionally, it allows the execution of What-If Scenarios, comparing diverse demand forecasts (by geography, therapies, etc.) and strategies to enhance fulfillment.

Operating on a unified platform, the S&OP process reviews data calculated by supply and demand planners, enabling informed decisions for achieving the optimal demand and supply balance. Facilitated by an intuitive workflow, stakeholders in the S&OP cycle can easily collaborate, contributing to a streamlined decision-making process. Listen to our webinar to learn more.

The Benefits

Reduce Time > Circle > Dassault Systèmes®

35% Lead Time Reduction

25% Forecast Accuracy > Circle > Dassault Systèmes®

25% Forecast Accuracy

18% Productivity Gain > Circle > Dassault Systèmes®

18% Productivity Gain

Up to 40%  > Circle > Dassault Systèmes®

Up to 40%

Inventory & Safety Stock Reduction

Up to 15% > Circle > Dassault Systèmes®

Up to 15%

Medical Device Obsolescence Expenses Reduction