How A&D Companies Can Leverage the Power of Cloud-Based PLM

Lifecycle Insights x 3DEXPERIENCE Industry Survey Report

The size and complexity of today’s Aerospace programs make it challenging for industry stakeholders to have a comprehensive overview of their status. This lack of visibility can lead to delays, cost overruns and overall program disruptions.

Cloud-based product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions can help manufacturers stay on track by providing end-to-end product development tools that provide an overview of the entire process. But what is the extent of PLM use in the industry?

We carried out a global survey with Lifecycle Insights to learn more about the challenges A&D manufacturers face today and the status of PLM solutions in the industry.

In this survey report, discover:

  • The top challenges in A&D today
  • The status of PLM in the A&D industry
  • The benefits of cloud-based PLM solutions for product development in A&D

Get the survey report to learn more.

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