GEOVIA software to model the sustainable planet

GEOVIA provides geology modelling, strategic and tactical mine planning software with industry leading solutions Surpac, MineSched and Whittle. 

From pit-to-port, GEOVIA’s digital mine solutions will help you refine your mine plans and processes, improve your mine’s net present value, and move you closer than ever to being a truly smart mine.

From our collaborative and integrated work environment, based on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you will be able to: 

  • Build a comprehensive repository for all your data that is secure and accessible and makes your data easy to share with teammates and stakeholders

  • Run advanced data analytics applications to extract meaningful insights that will increase the reliability of your data designs, plans, and processes

  • Go beyond digital twin mining technology to build powerful, dynamic virtual twin models


GEOVIA Surpac’s tools for geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers include drillhole data management, geological modeling, block modeling, sample compositing and geostatistics, mine design, mine planning, and resource estimation. Surpac’s modular and customisable design makes it easy for geologists to determine the physical characteristics of a deposit with limited information and extract and visualize orientations directly from drillholes, engineers to create designs and plans for open pit or underground operations that maximize ore recovery while complying with project constraints, and mine production teams to manage borehole, blasting, and survey information and use drillhole data to optimize reserve extraction.



Pit optimization is the first step in unlocking the full economic potential of an open pit operation, but it is not the last. GEOVIA Whittle not only gives mine planners the tools they need for optimized pit shapes (nested pit shells) using the Lerchs-Grossman (LG) or the Pseudoflow algorithm, it also enables end-to-end mine optimization, from strategic scheduling, detailed cost, price and recovery modelling, blending and cut-off optimization, and simultaneous stockpile optimization – a game-changer that results in significantly improved NPV over and above pit optimization alone.


GEOVIA MineSched produces target-based, long- and short-term schedules using block, grid, and polygon models created in a variety of different systems, including GEOVIA Surpac and other industry geology and mine planning products. For open pit mines, MineSched accepts and schedules any number of pits and allows for easy, automated scheduling of pit push-backs and mining benches. For underground mines, it supports modelling material flow through remucks, ore passes, and material transport levels, as well as development advance and stope production scheduling.


Smart mine concept

A smart mine is a digital mine that ensures both climate-smart and revenue-smart mining by taking advantage of today’s technology, including autonomous mining equipment, artificial intelligence and machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, and a centralized data management hub.

Smart Mine> thumbnail > Dassault Systèmes
Software for geologists and surveyors > thumbnail > Dassault Systèmes

Software for geologists and surveyors

Our software for geologists and surveyors supports open pit and underground operations and exploration projects, and is suitable for every commodity, orebody, and mining method.

Our applications enable geologists to determine the physical characteristics of a deposit with limited information by integrating critical functions, such as ore body or seam modeling, geostatistical analysis, resource modeling, resource estimation and block model generation, and survey.


Software for mining and production managers

Our software for mining and production managers provides the fully integrated tools you need to oversee current mining production rates and efficiency, plan future mine production, monitor ore/mineral quality, coordinate mine production schedules for drilling, blasting, ore and mineral extraction, and waste management and supervise the operation and availability of heavy-duty equipment and schedule maintenance periods. 

Software for mining and production managers > Thumbnail > Dassault Systèmes
Software for mine engineers and mine planners > Thumbnail > Dassault Systèmes

Software for mine engineers and mine planners

GEOVIA software for mine engineers and mine planners provides a bridge between the planning, scheduling, and operations functions for open pit, surface, and underground mines of all types and sizes. Through our application for open pit mines, you can complete economic and feasibility analyses, balance schedules throughout the life of the mine, and optimize blends and stockpiles. ​With our surface and underground application, you can produce long and short-term schedules from block, grid, and polygon models generated by our own mine planning system or other industry geology and mine planning products.

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