Recapping on Farnborough highlights leads us to the excitement of this year's upcoming Farnborough event. Watch some previous highlights below and download the Decarbonisation through Digitalisation report now.

Decarbonisation through Digitalisation​​​​​​​ report

This report focuses on how digitalisation can help accelerate decarbonisation and aims to offer tangible recommendations to translate current efforts into consistent zero-carbon precision for aircraft. 

Decarbonising aviation is now on the agenda of every executive in the aerospace industry. The pandemic and related disruptions have led aviation experts to outline structural changes that could rebuild the industry enable their lowcarbon aspirations.

That said, decarbonising the future of flight is easier said than done. Without a proper ecosystem to address and implement end-to-end low-carbon operations and infrastructure, the industry’s revenue models could be at risk.

While there are many possible technological levers today such as green hydrogen or electric aircraft, the industry is now focusing on building the right expertise around the industrialisation of these new technologies and building the right ecosystem of partners to deliver them at scale.

Digitalisation affects every part of the decarbonisation process. This fact is truly roadmap agnostic and features in every lever regardless of which path is taken. Some of the recommendations from the report include:

  • Tackle sustainability and innovation together
  • Improve understanding of how digital tools can accelerate transformation (tech, economic challenges and opportunities)
  • Focus on systems based and disruptive change
  • Rally your value network (ecosystem / supply chain) and secure infrastructure support

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 - Week Highlights

A week of engagement activities hosting executive meetings, lunches, and experiential content to support industries to achieve industry transformational objectives through sustainable innovations.

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 – Day 1 - New Space

The dawn of the entrepreneurial space age - New Space - has been in the making for some years. Now, it is expanding more rapidly than ever. In the near future, it will deliver increasingly high-speed communications networks for all, new levels of insight for the sustainment of our planet, as well as the ultimate in adventure travel, space tourism. In the longer run, it will lead to a permanent, habitable moon base; possibly some mineral harvesting and utilization; and almost certainly a scientific colony on Mars - and that’s only a partial list.

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 – Day 2 - Defence Modernisation

There are many challenges to delivering the next generation of Combat Air Systems. The complexity of systems and the constant evolution of threats will require greater agility than before. Budgetary constraints will drive the need for predictable delivery and informed decision-making, maximising capability and availability within an affordability envelope. The increasing complexity of the environment will therefore mandate interoperability with other defense systems and collaboration throughout the supply chain.

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 – Day 3 - Sustainable Aviation

Air travel has allowed us to cover great distances in record time. From the smallest and lightest to the biggest and most commercial, aircraft designs have undergone a radical technological transformation. Decarbonization takes top priority in the aviation industry’s efforts to combat climate change. Over the years, companies have ramped up technology to reduce GHG emissions and try to decarbonize, while staying profitable and facing significant time and technology development challenges.

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 – Day 4 - Agile Manufacturing

The Aerospace & Defense industry needs to be able to adapt to ever-changing threats, dynamic market conditions, and new innovative technologies. Companies must dynamically match production with demand while continuously improving quality & sustainability, lowering costs, ensuring worker safety and health, and deliver on time.

Dassault Systèmes at Farnborough International Airshow 2022 – Day 5 - Upskilling the Workforce

As the manufacturing, architecture, engineering and construction and many other industries face the future with an ageing workforce, immersive technology can help bridge the knowledge gap. Since Knowledge sharing and upskilling are key to growth, it becomes vital to establishing a strong Knowledge Culture, via community of expertise which will facilitate transition and promote transformation.

Download report now
