Why DraftSight?
Professional 2D CAD that helps you maximize resources, with options for flexible licensing, technical support, and cloud connectivity for additional design and organizational capabilities.
DraftSight puts you in the driver’s seat with greater file compatibility, flexible licensing and easy to use tools and automations.
Professional 2D CAD that helps you maximize resources, with options for flexible licensing, technical support, and cloud connectivity for additional design and organizational capabilities.
DraftSight is a professional 2D design, documentation and drawing solution that lets you create,markup, edit, and view any 2D or 3D DWG-file with speed and ease.
Flexible licensing gives you more control in how you invest your resources.
With DraftSight you can purchase more 2D seats with lighter hardware requirements.
With DraftSight’s familiar user interface and common commands, your team will be
acclimated in hours, not days.