Breaking Barriers: The Future of SMBs in Manufacturing with Robotics

Discover how much more affordable, versatile and accessible modern robotics is today for small and medium-sized manufacturers.

Navigate the New Wave of Robotics Adoption

The global robotics market is set to soar from $65 billion in 2021 to $180 billion by 2027, solidifying automation as a cornerstone for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Despite its proven benefits, many SMB manufacturers hesitate due to perceived high adoption costs and fears of production disruption. Discover in this eBook how the landscape has shifted, making it easier than ever for SMBs to embrace automation and robotics, ensuring you keep pace with industry leaders. 

Learn how:

  • Modern robotics handles product variations with efficiency and versatility
  • Cost barriers have significantly lowered, thanks to technological advancements and economies of scale
  • Government initiatives empower SMBs to seamlessly integrate robotic automation.

Discover more about DELMIA Robotics

While many manufacturers have leveraged robotic and digital solutions to meet modern day demands and ensure competitiveness—these solutions lose their effectiveness when operating in silo.

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