3DEXPERIENCE CATIA for Students comes with a full package that includes Certification with a Digital Badge that you can share on social networks (in addition to learning materials, software and community access)
3 certifications available:
3DEXPERIENCE Mechanical Designer
You will be able to collaborate and navigate using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, model a part, design an assembly, analyze a part and an assembly, create drafting.
Certified 3DEXPERIENCE 3D Innovator
You will able to use 3DEXPERIENCE Design apps for 3D Modeling, compare sketching, features and patterns.
3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Business & Industry Innovator
You will be able to to collaborate with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, use the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to define and develop innovative products, manage dashboard, share content and information, manage tasks and issues, manage content lifecycle.
Earn your Digital Badge
This Digital Badge allows you to access job postings, be more visible & promote yourself with a verifiable digital object.
Share your achievement
Share this digital badge on social networks to promote yourself and get recognized for your achievement.
I have passed all certifications included in this package and this helped me promote my skills on websites like LinkedIn and on my resume